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por Jhonathan Pino publicado 16/04/2020 15h24, última modificação 22/04/2020 11h52

piranhas4.jpegThe Federal Institute of Alagoas is an education complex that includes research, extension and teaching from basic education to post-graduation, thus providing an integral education to the citizen, through the initial training courses, technicians, technology degree , bachelor, undergraduate and graduate courses lato sensu and stricto sensu. Ifal has 16 campuses in all regions of Alagoas.

Ifal provides courses in its various campi at different levels both in regular and long distance offers: High school, Technical and Professional (integrated to high school curriculum, non-integrated and after high school), Undergraduate (Teaching, Technology and Bachelor’s degree), Lato Sensu and Strictu Sensu degree, and also, PROEJA-FIC.

Technical Courses are courses aimed at students with a high school diploma who wish to pursue a career in a specific area.

Medium Level integrated Courses or Integrated to High School Curriculum are courses like secondary education/high school with a technical specialization.

Undergraduate programs are courses offered face-to-face or Distance Learning. The courses are free and the admissions are available for the public, having as minimum requirement the degree of High School or Integrated Technical courses. The Ifal uses the ENEM (National Exam of High School) results, applied by INEP / MEC (Ministry of Education), to fill 100% of the vacancies.

Distance education or Distance learning is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school.

PROEJA - National Program for Integration of Basic Education with Vocational Education in the Youth and Adult Education Modality

FIC -  Continuing Initial Formation